Commercial Searches

Comprehensive range of searches for commercial  properties

Commercial Local Authority Searches

The use of Personal (Regulated) Local authority Searches have become increasingly popular in today’s conveyancing process. This is partly due to the fact that many Local authorities can be slow in providing your search and can charge anything up to £300. 

Commercial Environmental Searches

The provision of environmental information indicating the possible risk and dangers of flooding, waste and landfill sites, subsidence, contaminated land and other environmental concerns looks set to become an increasingly important feature in the conveyancing process.

Commercial Drainage & Water Searches

This search is conducted by inspecting relevant water company records . This search will reveal key matters, such as:

  • Whether foul and surface water at the property drains to a public sewer
  • Whether the property is connected to the mains water supply
  • Whether there is a water main or public sewer within the boundaries of the property

The search will also provide plans routes of the sewers and waterways where they are held as public record

Commercial Search Products

Conveyancing searches are a critical part of the commercial property conveyancing process. These searches provide crucial information about the property and its surroundings, helping identify any potential legal, financial, or environmental issues that could impact the transaction. Key benefits include:

  • Risk Mitigation: Identify potential problems before they become costly issues.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure that all regulatory requirements are met.
  • Informed Decisions: Make confident investment choices with comprehensive information.

Key Conveyancing Searches for Commercial Properties

Regulated (Personal) Local authority Search

A Personal Local Authority Search is essential for anyone involved in property transactions. Our searches are meticulously carried out by experienced professionals who understand the nuances of local regulations and requirements. By choosing our Personal Local Authority Search, you gain access to comprehensive and up-to-date information, ensuring a transparent and informed property transaction.

Environmental Searches

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Regulated Personal Drainage & Water Search

A personal drainage and water search is conducted by our specialist team who gather information from various sources, such as local authorities, water companies, and other databases, to compile a report on the drainage and water services to a property.

Private / Regulated water and drainage searches are often quicker and more cost-effective than official CON29DW. They can also be customized to include specific data.

Popular Residential Searches



Screening provides the ideal assessment for lower value commercial property transactions. Screening covers contaminated land, flood, ground stability, radon and energy risks. Each report is written and reviewed by our in-house team of environmental consultants who can be contacted in the event of a query.

Energy and Transportation Report

Groundsure’s Energy and Transportation is a new report providing – a comprehensive search of existing or planned energy and transport infrastructure covering either residential or commercial property transactions. 



A comprehensive planning history for your site in an easy to use report format. Contains HS2 and Crossrail information alongside mobile mast and planning constraints data on environmentally, visually and culturally designated sites.




CON29M Commercial


The Groundsure CON29M Official Coal Mining Search is an official CON29M coal mining report for residential or commercial properties, brought to you by Groundsure and Mining Searches UK licensed by the Law Society using official Coal Authority data.

Chancel Repair Search

A Chancel repair search determines whether a property has liability to its parish church repairs. This search is conducted in person, by making an appointment to inspect the public records held at the Public Records Office in London.


Review is a commercial report which provides a detailed manual assessment of contaminated land risk, alongside a comprehensive review of flood, ground stability, radon, current and planned energy features and transportation, planning constraints and optional 10 years of planning data at no extra cost.

Agricultural Search


Groundsure Agricultural Report provides a detailed manual assessment of contaminated land risk, alongside a comprehensive review of agricultural features, flood, ground stability, radon, current and planned energy features and transportation, planning constraints and 10 years of planning data.

Commercial Mining Report


Coal mining searches are vital when buying property in a coal mining area. The report enables you to determine whether the property has been subject to issues related to mining. The search highlights recorded information about past, present and future mining operations in the area.

Commercial Drainage & Water Searches


A water and drainage search  provides essential information about the water supply and drainage services connected to a property. It ensures that prospective homeowners or developers are aware of the property’s water supply and drainage status, helping them make informed decisions.

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